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A Little Treasure


Good Morning Watershed Explorers,

This is not the critter spotlight but I wanted to share this amazing photo that I took yesterday on a hike with my girls at Mt. Tom in West Greenwich. My four-year-old spotted this little critter in some leaf litter crawling around. At first glance, I thought that it was a caddisfly, but after careful observation, I surmised that it was a stonefly. This is the first time that we have ever come across this awesome creature, and it made me reflect on just how many creatures I have never seen in person. My family hikes a lot. We make a concerted effort to get outside every single day, and yet there are so many little natural treasures even we have not been privileged to find. I never take these special moments for granted. A new creature observation is like gold in my book!

There is so much wonder in this world that we often miss when we are engulfed in the daily grind. It never hurts to take a few quiet moments in a quiet spot to observe and reflect. I was reminded yesterday to slow down. When COVID-19 first uprooted most of our lives on March 13th, everything slowed down. We were FORCED to observe and reflect, especially due to the uncertain nature of our situation. Now that our state has gotten back to some "business as usual" routines, it's nice to remember to take some quiet time away from the hustle and bustle. I am thankful for this little yellow stonefly, Suwallia pallidula for its gentle reminder to do just that.

I hope that you will all get outside as much as you can. Breathe the fresh air, watch a butterfly fluttering around, feel the wind on your face, listen to the sounds of birds and frogs, and just let your mind take a quiet break. We all need moments like these to reenergize and prepare for our next step.

Have a wonderful day Watershed Explorers. I miss you all and I hope that you are engaging in some awesome activities this summer. Please reach out with pictures, stories, or suggestions at

Much love,

Mrs. Morissette

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Address: One Service Road, Providence, RI 02905

p: 401-443-4947

f: 401-784-3528

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