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Photo Showcase

Good Morning Watershed Explorers,

I want to use today's blog to showcase some great photographs that my girls and I have been able to capture from our explorations. I am also including a few photos from my friend Jacob at Oaklawn Elementary. Thanks to Jacob's mom for passing them along! I hope you all enjoy them!!!

Here are Jacob's photos. Thanks so much for sharing Jacob! Keep exploring.

It was uncanny that Jacob's family and mine found lady slippers in different spots around the same time. The lady slippers are the pink flowers that are pictured above. They are wild native orchids! Lady slippers or moccasin flowers use symbiosis to grow. The flower seed needs a special fungus in the soil. This fungus breaks open the seed and attaches to it providing the seed the nutrients that it needs to grow.

I would love to see some photos that you have taken or take of your explorer adventures.

Much love,

Mrs. Morissette

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29 mai 2020


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