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  • cynthiamorissette

Trivia Challenge

Good Morning Watershed Explorers,

As we enter our last days of distance learning, I thought it might be nice to review with a trivia challenge. Here are ten questions from important material that we covered this year. Send your responses to Mrs. Morissette at

Good Luck!

1. How many gallons of wastewater does the NBC's Field's Point Wastewater Treatment Facility treat on average each day. A little hint: get within 5 million gallons and the answer will be accepted!

2. What is a watershed? There are two key components that you need in order to have a watershed, please provide both. Bonus: Explain why a watershed is called a drainage basin!

3. There are many items that we shouldn't put down our drains, name two and explain why they are harmful.

4. Finish this line from the Wastewater Diddy song, "It travels to the treatment plant where it's ...................................................................."

5. The NBC owns two treatment facilities, one of them is named above, name the other.

6. Think of one item from our Build a Watershed activity that would be considered a type of pollution in the watershed. Bonus: name the most important item in the watershed that helps to absorb pollution.

7. Name two macro invertebrates that can be found in freshwater.

8. What is a cool feature about caddisflies?

9. Name a stage of treatment or any piece of equipment that the NBC's wastewater treatment facilities use to clean water.

10. Define one water test that we tested the water in the watershed for this year.

I hope you had some fun with this little challenge. Please email me your responses. I would love to hear from you.

Much love,

Mrs. Morissette

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